1. Sign-in for clubbers starts at 6:15 PM in the LCS Gym for Sparks and T&T and in the LCS media room (downstairs) for the Cubbies. Club begins at 6:30 PM and ends at 8:05 PM.
2. Clubbers should be picked up promptly at the end of club. They can only be picked up by parents/guardians or approved adults listed on this registration form. Parents can designate a high-school-age sibling to pick up with approval from the AWANA club Commander (they must be introduced to the Commander and club leaders by the parent/guardian, prior to approval to pick up).
3. Adult supervision is required for clubbers to enter or exit the school buildings. Please do not drop off your kids in the parking lot. Please escort them to the sign-in table.
4. All visiting kids must sign in with the adult they came with, and must provide contact information for the responsible adult (they came with), as well as for their parent or guardian.
5. Clubbers are expected to play respectfully in the gym prior to club opening formation. This includes not throwing balls at other clubbers and keeping play equipment away from adults and leaders performing sign-in duties.
6. Parents may observe club activities, with the Club director's notification, but they must not participate in any normal leader activities except during scheduled open house nights.
7. Clubbers must listen to their leaders and obey directions given. Clubbers are expected to be respectful to leaders and other clubbers.
8. Clubbers must respect LCS school property.
9. Chewing gum and other food are not allowed during club time, unless part of a club activity.
10. Clubbers are not allowed to push, shove, fight, etc. There is a zero-tolerance policy for violent behavior, which will result in the child not being allowed to participate in club for a time determined by the AWANA Commander and Lakeside Community Chapel leadership.
11. Running is allowed in the gym prior to club opening and during Game Time in accordance with the game director’s direction.
12. Game Time is a privilege that can be revoked in cases of extreme disorderliness.
13. Clubbers are taught the “Five Count” in Awana. The Leader, Director, or Commander will count out load from one to five to get the clubbers attention. By the time five is reached, each clubber is expected to be waiting quietly for instructions.
14. If a clubber receives three warnings on a particular club night for not following club standards, he or she will remain with the Commander for the duration of the night or his/her parents will be called to take the child home. Clubbers who are sent home may return to club in the future provided that they agree to abide by club standards.
15. Clubbers will receive a uniform and handbook when they have completed their Entrance Booklet and when their forms have been completed and their registration fee has been paid.
16. Clubbers should wear their uniforms to every regular Awana meeting. Replacement uniforms and handbooks are available for a fee.
17. Sections should be passed in the order prescribed by the handbook unless a leader gives an exception. All verses in a section must be recited together with a maximum of 2-3 helps per section.
18. Clubbers are encouraged to attend AWANA Club, Church Services, and Sunday School regularly.